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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

TSW Decks

     Yapping Freak here to tell you about Decks in the TSW. Decks are simply the set of 7 active skills and 7 passive skills you have set up. This is were you start to get an idea of synergy between weapons and so on. To give you a better idea or if you would rather just enjoy the game and not worry about creating you personal Deck, TSW has provided already made Decks to help its players. Once you finish unlocking all the skills of one of the ready made Decks you receive an exp bonus and an outfit for finishing that deck. Their are some pretty cool outfits to gain this way and the decks themselves do play well if not completely nasty like well done custom decks. For information on putting together decks I highly recommend the TSW forums this has helped me a lot along the way. Whether its tank, dps, heal, or something in between you'll find some good advice on how to build it here.

     Lastly I'll also leave you with the Wiki for TSW as it is a great source of info about this game.

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