
Blog Archive

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Game Reviews!

     Yapping Freak here and this is going to be my Vidya Games Blog. I have been playing video games since the original Pong was out and have seen the industry through changes, some good, some obviously bad. I will be both ranting and praising video games that have gotten my attention and if someone has a suggestion of something they’d like to see reviewed let me know. I will get to it at some point if I have already played it. If I haven’t played it yet then I’ll post here how much it will cost and my readers can help with the cost. My aim with this blog will be to eventually get to the point of expanding to media in general.
     I have no problem with people responding with your own opinions just keep it civil if you will. As of right now I am not getting a check from any game company so there will be no kissing of booty to those that sign my checks. If I ever do have that then you will have a list of sponsors on here somewhere so that you can see for yourself if that might be happening.