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Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Secret World Review

     I am currently playing TSW otherwise known as The Secret World, an MMORPG by Funcom. This is a pay once and play forever game. What this means is that you pay for the initial download and that’s it. This game has a subscription option with benefits and an online shop to buy anything additional you might want. This is a horror/thriller type MMO. I personally haven’t played many of these (one or two at most) but that hasn’t taken away from my impression of it so far. The graphics are a lot better than expected, using the same engine as Conan Unchained, this is one of the best looking MMO’s on the market. I’ve played SWTOR and FF14 a realm reborn (reviews to come later), and the only one that comes close is currently FF14. The lighting during the dawn and twilight hours is especially awe inspiring and my hat goes off to the graphics guys who put that much into this game.

     Character design and creation could use some real body modifications, at least more than a height slider, but overall is complex enough to have people looking unique even if it takes some time to make your characters face look anywhere near where you want it to. When you do think you have it however, don’t be too surprised if you are not quite sure when you actually start the game. I had to re-create one character 3 times just to get the face to look right once I started the game. You will have lots of clothing options at creation however, which I approve of. Being able to change your look in an MMO these days is essential for long lasting characters and a great way to get money for the company by having outfits and pieces to buy on the online store. Don’t worry that you will have to spend real money to change looks however for there are a lot of options in-game to by with the games currency. You will also have the ability to change everything else that you did during creation. I will cost in game currency, but it can be done.

     Next is one of the important things for most MMO’s, the combat system. First off you’ll have a hotbar with 7 open spots until you get your auxiliary weapon which should give you an 8th slot only for that weapon. This doesn’t normally sound like you’ll be doing much but hitting 1-2 buttons to kill everything I can tell you from experience however that I have needed those 7 slots to handle the different combat situations I've found myself in. Between raiding, PVP, and PVE you'll even find yourself using the gear and skill storage tabs a lot to be ready for the different roles and situations you'll be in. You will be able to equip 2 weapons which means you'll have skills from those 2 weapon groups to choose from. Using both gives you wiggle room to customize and find the synergy between weapons and their skill sets. You will also find that the weapon skills themselves are usually flashy enough to be fun to watch, but not so over the top as to be unfitting to the theme of the game itself. 
     As for combat roles, I find that there are 4 although I feel they could use 5. Three of these are what you would come to expect for any MMORPG, the tank, the healer, and the damage dealer. These are what you would enter PVP or sign up for a raid as. There is also a survivor/solo class that is popular although I have yet to have trouble finding some one for help when I need it. The survivor class is not referred to in the game and you wont find it in the premade decks (decks will be explained later) either. Lastly, what I think TSW could really use, is a more defined support class, a buff and debuffer. You can incorporate these concepts into just about any job and most skills use them in one way or another but someone who really makes the other party members shine is not usually asked for or made. have the ability to change everything else that you did during c

     This is where I will stop for now but there will be more to come. Overall this game rocks, especially to those who like the idea of the secret society, supernatural cult setting. Also this is by far the best horror genre MMO I have ever played. It, as all games, has its flaws, but I highly recommend The Secret World to one and all.
     I will leave you with this, given to us by Funcom.

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