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Monday, July 1, 2013

New to MMORPG's?

Hello every one,

     I'm here to address the people who may not know much about the MMORPG gaming concept. First of all MMORPG stands for "massively multiplayer online role playing game".  Hundreds of thousands if not millions of players all playing the same game with each other. The communities very wildly depending on the fanbase of the game and the support of the company that puts out the MMO in the first place.

     Why do people play these? I'll try my best to answer the question as completely as possible. I personally play MMO's because of the effort put into these games is usually (not always) impressive. We're talking huge digital worlds that take weeks if not months to complete what they currently offer. This of course is extended with games that have been out for awhile and have many updates or added content. There are many things to discover about the game, its content, your abilities and the story. I also usually start playing these games with a friend so I almost always have some one to enjoy (or gripe about) the game with. These games are meant to be social. You can talk to others just by typing if your not part of a larger social group like a guild that usually uses some form of voice chat. Once you start playing you instantly become part of a community that has banded together (not counting Player versus Player fights which I'll get into later and will be referred to as PVP) to beat whatever problems they come across. Hello every one,

     I'm here to address the people who may not know much about the MMORPG gaming concept. First of all MMORPG stands for "massively multiplayer online role playing game".  Hundreds of thousands if not millions of players all playing the same game with each other. The communities very wildly depending on the fanbase of the game and the support of the company that puts out the MMO in the first place.

     Why do people play these? I'll try my best to answer the question as completely as possible. I personally play MMO's because of the effort put into these games is usually (not always) impressive. We're talking huge digital worlds that take weeks if not months to complete what they currently offer. This of course is extended with games that have been out for awhile and have many updates or added content. There are many things to discover about the game, its content, your abilities and the story. I also usually start playing these games with a friend so I almost always have some one to enjoy (or gripe about) the game with. These games are meant to be social. You can talk to others just by typing if your not part of a larger social group like a guild that usually uses some form of voice chat. Once you start playing you instantly become part of a community that has banded together (not counting Player versus Player fights which I'll get into later and will be referred to as PVP) to beat whatever problems they come across. Help is just a typed question away. 

     OK now I'll talk about 2 types of content PVE (player versus Enemy) and PVP (scroll up). PvE is what most MMO's concentrate on. This is the main story, mission or any additional content that doesn't require you to fight another player. Of course that means PvP is the same thing except you do fight other players. Some people love pitting themselves against their fellow players, while others hate the idea and much prefer to cooperate with other to achieve goals. Either way most MMO's will have both regardless if they concentrate on one or they other.

     Ok now I'm going to go over some terms I have not hit upon yet. "Tank" refers to the person in the group or party that keeps the attention of the monsters you encounter so that they dont kill others. Tanks usually have high defense or other protection to ensure they can survive while getting all of that monster love. Next would be the "Healer". This role is probably exactly what you would expect. The healer heals people in the party, usually centered on the tank first.OK that leaves the DPS. DPS stands for damage per second and that is exactly what they do ..... damage. Mdps stands for Melee Damage per Second while RDPS stands for Ranged Damage per Second. These 3 roles together constitute most of what you can come to expect from MMO roles. Their are many variations of these roles to keep things interesting but you'll usually find these three no matter what.

     OK that's it for now, next post will be about Decks in TSW. 

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