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Monday, July 1, 2013

The Secret World Content

     Well I went into the combat system in the last post so I'll be skipping most of that unless asked. Besides its always better for myself at least, to get a taste of the content and not a mouthful to make me the most interested.

Where there are ravens, there may be Revenants.
     Lets start with content. This is something that I feel TSW has done a fantastic job with. Cut scenes are frequent enough and extremely well done but of course you can skip them if desired. The mission you'll encounter will range from the typical *fight x amount of badies* or *get x item and bring it to me because my legs are obviously broken/ I'm a coward* to the very fun investigation or sabotage missions. These last 2 are where the game shines, at least in the beginning. Investigation missions have you digging up info on whatever cult or supernatural activity is happening in the area. This can range from find the secret information hidden in a secret location by a secret organization, to piece together what happened to a prominent cultist 70 years ago when he disappeared. These are engrossing missions that will allow you to go about it with no extra clues like a giant red marker or arrow pointing the way. They are done intelligently so they dont feel like spoon fed intrigue. There is also networks set up to help in social media much like you would expect in conspiracy theory media. The sabotage mission are a sneak in, brake something or find info mission. The first one was fun, but easy, trust me when I tell you this changes fast. All of these missions can be done again for more experience, money and rewards in 24 hours usually.

     The voice acting for cut scenes, npc's and for certain monsters is a masterful touch also. Feeling much like you would expect a good Lovecraftian conversation to go. Personality really shines through on the characters thanks to the voice acting.

Wanna live out an Indy fantasy? They got you covered.
     The dungeon raiding can begin very quickly as there is the first one in the starting area to cut your teeth on. These are larger scale instances you will need a party of 5 for (usually with the 3dps, healer, tank grouping). Nice story, voice acting, and twists for the story as you come to expect from this game at this point and they do not disappoint. The good gear whether weapons or talismans (armor) is found in these areas. Boss strategies quickly become very important. Most require a certain way to go about it and they are rarely a tank and spank. 

     The main storyline was extremely well done and became obvious that the writers put alot of heart into it. Spoiler ---- The Syren Song moment had me hooked on this game.

     Major content updates come in the form of Issues which there are currently 6 of. The initial download of the game usually gets you 1-4 as I understand it. So here is a teaser for Issue #7 which will be dropping sometime this month.

1 comment:

  1. I agree the siren song was awesome. Looking forward to the new content too. The trailer gave me chills.
